or in the weather, or surrounded by the weather - quite difficult to be on top of it really (unless you're an astronaut); but under the weather pretty much sums up my last few days

it was pretty scary being very poorly and all alone for quite a lot of the duration

I suspect that being scared made me feel worse; but the worst seems to be over now and I need to be disciplined and apply some focus and get my week going. . .
. . .at the very least I'm hoping for some more sunshine

and you?
what are you hoping for. . .
what are you hoping for. . .
Sorry you've been poorly. If you've had flu you need to keep quiet and warm for at least another week. I ignored that advice once and ended up in hospital with a heart virus.
Get well soon.
I'm hoping the frigging 'year end' will balance which it currently isn't! grrrr
and I'm hoping you're feeling better which I shudda put first!
I hope you're soon better and the sun is shining where you are (in your heart, if not outside [assuming you've got the cold blustery weather I've got here]).
I'm hoping for a peacefilled, quiet day topped with warmth and serenity for you.
Ya poor thing.....
Flu sucks bigtime!
And I know the fear that comes with being eerily ill and without someone to care for you.
Right, wrong or indifferent, I came to appreciate being alone during those times and struggle letting someone be there when I'm now sick.
How weird is that?!
*HUGE healing hugs*
Feel better soon....please!
I thought you'd gone very quiet. here's hoping for a full recovery - though I think the sun has deserted us.
Get well. That is not a wish, it is an order.
I've been sick and alone...probably has something to do with my current gig.
Hope you are on the mend...and following orders from Vicus.
yes, under the weather...has been raining here too!
sending you thoughts of warmth and hopefully a few focused bright sunny days
wishing you over the rainbow... sunshine.
drink plenty. rest lots. remember you're not really alone.
I hope for world peace and two cheeseburgers.
shot me too (world peace), only two (cheeseburgers)?
G thank you - I'm not here, look at all you lovely people
sorrow thank you - windy yesterday, sunny today!
katherine I think about you and your current gig often - hugs, big ones and lots
Vicus yes sir and thank you
KAZ thank you - everything seems to have gone very quiet. . . altho last night I was humming Wilson Phillips' version of Elton's Daniel - thinking of red tail lights and Spain
oh Mel, I feel/felt so very sick. . . working on getting better
Dave thank you - it was very blustery here yesterday, a little calmer today
ZigZ I hope it all balanced out in the end and thank you XX
Malc thank you - that's a scary story
(((((((((((( ILTV ))))))))))))))
Know you're being thought about and that good, healing thoughts/prayers are being sent your way.
And do take care, please.
Rushing about to feel better is a good plan for setting up a relapse, eh?
Yup...I see visiting happened--which is good... Just make sure you're staying rested!
Yeahyeahyeah....I'm a mom....LOL
(((((( ILTV )))))) Thinkin' of ya!
Another morning rises and we're all still here, so that's something nice, isn't it?
it is something very nice Dave - your positive comments are very uplifting, thank you
thanks Mel still rather wobbly, but taking it easy (feel a little better tho!) hugs are always very welcome
Well, I'm glad for you feeling even a bit better.
Musta been a not so good time of it, ya poor thing....
strangely I've just been to the GP (local general doctor) for the results of some tests I had done before I had the flu, and I mentioned that I'd had the flu really badly and that the insides of my bones felt like they were on fire and she (the GP) told me that a really really really nasty flu bug was going around. . .
. . .it's quite knocked me for six, but I am feeling slightly better each day now
sending peace filled thoughts and hugs for everything you still have to deal with. . .
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