everything is a little blank at the moment - one of those colouring in moments, perhaps. . . I think I need to find my box of crayons. . .
I hope you find something
that makes you smile today
that makes you smile today
this box can hide a secret inside
![]() | 91 As a 1930s wife, I am |
I'll Get a Tattoo of Initials |
![]() proud of who I am & who ♥s me! |
Ah yes.....blank kinda moments...
Welcome to my Thursdays!
Heck, I'm not even sure where I LEFT the crayons....
Downstairs I think....on the counter, maybe?
like in blank stare?
or Blank
like in a blank page ready to be splashed with color?
how about Blank like in Blank check?
ooooooo I could go for one of them... maybe do a spot of grocery shopping...
Coffee chocolate carrots...
I think I need a box of colored pencils....
I meant colouredpencils.
(you do call them pencils...don't you?)
You always find the pictures that make me want to reach out and touch ...and have.
came by to feed the fish..
I've also fed the fish :)
Yup..fed the fishies.
Made sure the black one got some, of course.
AND stole popcorn....
Cuz... :-)
*humming and popping popcorn*
*wondering if the little shop up the highway still has Crunchies*
Don't want for folks to be wanting, yaknow!
<-- DOES have apples!
<-- DOES have SUNTEA! (and lemon, tyvm!)
(hoping you're out and about having loads of fun adventures....like a trip to the museum and a trip to the flower store....and coffee at the cafe!)
(didn't think I'd forget coffee, didya?!)
((((((((((( ILTV ))))))))))))
just stopping by to say hey and wish you a happy day...
Dr Seuss-esque
sorry guys
am really really sick - laid up in bed with aching bones, fever, shakes and shivers and other flu like symptoms. . .
thought I felt well enough to get up and make a cup of tea, but now I'm up I'm not so sure
you all take care, and I'll be in touch when I recover
Oh boy.
Go figure--wasn't that long ago you were nursing sick kiddos.
I hate when it's my turn.
((((((((((( ILTV ))))))))))))))
*sending feel better thoughts and restfilled prayers*
<-- ain't goin' nowhere
In the meantime--I'll take the purple crayon, tyvm.
And I'll make bitty flowering things! 'Tis spring, yaknow!
*fluffing pillows and bringing chicken soup*
Homemade of course--himself's.
Wouldn't dare offer mine. ;-)
Thinkin' about ya....and sending get well thoughts..
hope you fell better soon - shame to miss the sun shining! Can you open thw window?
Did you shut the blog down, like I told my readers to do, while I was away? You can start again now.
Dave I've been quite poorly, but am feeling a little better now - perhaps because you've returned. . .
ZigZ was looking at the sunshine thru the window, wishing I was well enough to be out in it - maybe tomorrow
thanx for the hugz
Mel I really needed someone in real life to come do that for me - but Mini-Teen made me a piece of toast and Teen Too a cup of tea and The Teen went out to get me some headache and flu meds
hopefully I'll be properly up and about tomorrow
So sorry to stop by and find you under the weather. (Do they call it that over there?)
Hope you're on the mend. (do they say that over there?)
I see you have fishies now! I won't feed them, as everybody already fed them and I wouldn't want to OVER feed them because you know what happens when THAT happens!
*get well wishes*
thank you g
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