if I had a lawn I'd be out in it, flopped in a deckchair reading a book drinking a cup of afternoon tea and probably admiring the weeds in the borders (all lawns seem to have borders, in my experience, and this early on in the season no doubt they'd be full of weeds, especially if I had such a garden)

but I don't
in a previous life I did - lawn and borders and far too many weeds to contend with. . . sometimes window boxes can prove the easier option. . . but I do miss the green green grass of a lawn - so I went for a walk in the park. . . wonderful! someone else has to mow the grass, someone else weeds the borders. . . it's not quite the same, but needs must (as they say)
these deckchairs are rather fun, aren't they? if you may recall, I have a rather wonderful swing seat and an equally adventurous hammock. . . so I feel no need to wish to acquire a deckchair. . . which is somewhat of a relief. . .
and if I did - which one would I pick? I don't know. . . what about you? any thoughts?!
I would agree, on the whole, that all lawns have borders, otherwise they would be infinite. Apart from taking a long time to mow, I think that if you have something in the universe that is infinite, then there is not room for anything else.
Love the deckchairs - I'd pick 'The End of the Affair' or 'Wuthering Heights' - neither suitable for a sunny day - but they are my favourite Penguins.
Lawns are a pain - I much prefer an aged, moss covered patio with lots of Med type pots.
According to the geese in T.O.&.F.K (T.H.White), there ARE no borders.
And, obviously, you'd pick the chair based on the color, not the title.
We had a sunny day!!!!
And I drug out my wreath and put flowers, lights and bees on it. (they're way cute bees!) And I washed windows (geeze were they a MESS). And I sucked up icky leafy guys from the back flowerbed...AND himself made me suntea!!! :-)
Have a short day on Monday was a VERY good thing today!!
OH!! And I drug out the patio's rocking chairs!
Yep--a burst of ambition!
(no worries.....LOL.....that's passed now!)
Oh. And the 'Country Life' chair please.
<-- went for the title, of course. Yellow works!
Suppose to be a wonderful 'springlike' day today. I'll hope for an equally awesome day for you as well.
Happy Tuesday! :-)
happy Tuesday Mel - the warm spell continues, but they say it'll be over by the end of the wekk (when Spring officially starts)
the yellow chair is great, huh. . . clean windows, sun tea, patio swing chair - it's all sounding good!
(-: XXX
shot actually, book titles and fabric colour make a difficult choice. . . not sure which I'd go for, if I had the choice!
I had to research Terence Hanbury, and now have a vague idea of to what you refer. . .
the deckchairs are fab, KAZ aren't they - I'd quite like to be on a balcony with a view of the Med and some lovely herbs in pots at my feet right now. . . save the deck chair for the cruise later, possibly
(or I'd be just as happy on a towel on a beach somewhere warm)
Vicus to be charged with taing care of an infinite lawn would be an end in itself; I'm not sure I'm happy with the overall concept of infinity, have enough trouble going from one hour to the next
but many thanks, as ever, for your bringing some clarity to my musings
I'd pick the orange one and scratch off the Mansfield...
not really
enjoy your warm weather.
had to come by and tell you..
I GOT turtles~!!!
Another fine sunny one here....'cept it's WAY dark now at near midnight.
But OH was it a brilliant and warm Tuesday! :-)
I'm glad you had a brilliant day Mel
sorrow turtles! I'll have to come and investigate. . . (Mini-Teen has one of those things that you have, about turtles) (-:
it's not often you find a deckchair with your name on it, eh, katherine. (-:
<-- knows 'zactly where to wander to find turtles(once it warms up a teensy bit)
k.....needs to warm up more than a TEENSY bit...but I'd settle!
It's HUMP day!
Happy Hump Day to you, ma'am.
((((((((((( ILTV )))))))))))))
Drive-thru huggin'.
Mostly cuz I can!
Hopin' you had the MOST fantabulous Wednesday!
and now it's Thursday. . . hope you don't have the fuzzies
It's all good--Thursday's sunrise was beautiful...
AND--I have a chairswing on the patio!
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