what do you do when life throws you lemons?

why, you make lemonade of course
it must be wonderful to live somewhere warm and sunny enough for there to be a handy lemon tree from which that someone* (*whoever he or she is) can snatch a lemon and throw it at you
(I'm not imagining a train of thought whereby they* [* ditto] are in a supermarket by the citrus fruit section - let's face it, if that was the case they should have thrown a grapefruit)
now, presumably, if you were clever (thoughtful? inspired? driven? caring? ambitious?) you'd not only make the lemonade, but sell it too - and for that you'd need a stall of sorts. . .

the other day I was talking with someone about the course of my life and said that I accepted where I find myself - the someone (it was a she) said "not just accept, appreciate?" and I agreed. . .
. . .totally
I'm fairly sure that there are
many things in your life
which you appreciate
and I'm fairly sure that you do
I hope so anyhow
have a wonderful day
WoW - you read my mind. I was longing for a lemon only a few moments ago. No - not to eat but to squeeze into warm water.
That's my favourite form of 'lemonade'.
I like my hot lemon with a small teaspoon of honey. . .
. . .I sometimes wonder if you have a small lemon tree on your veranda in Spain
Hot lemon?
I think medicinal purposes when I think hot lemon....
The sister in California has a lemon tree in her back yard. She's got green stuff.
Heck--the whole world seems to have green stuff.
Oh wait--I'm whinin' about 'the lemons' going on over here! LOL
Snow angels, perhaps?
Snowball fight!!! (It's the wet and heavy kinda snow......perfect for snowballs and snowmens!)
k....thinkin' I'm primed for moment that himself will NOT find amusing.....
I used to LURVE hot lemony-water sweetened with honey.
But I've found that unless life also gives one sugar and ice, one's lemonade is going to be pretty crappy.
Things I appreciate in my life*: Far away Friends.
* this is, of course, a partial list
...but not as opposed to an impartial list, tho' I suppose that is true as well.
I love lemons. In my old life I had wall paper with lemons on in my kitchen and plates to match :-S
Nowadays I like it in G&T and V&T and just T the sort from Ceylon.
this is so bizarre
I love hot water at night with a squeeze or two of fresh lemon or lime.
I am the only one I know of who drinks this....I picked it up from my exhusband's grandfather...in the summer of 1980.
And look...there is a whole gang
I just love playing at the view...
It's one of 'those' moments.
I'm guessin' it's a prime time for hot water with a squeeze of lemon!
so...it is just a little after 8:30 here...and guess what I just made...
I had to log on and tell ya!
Mmmmm... pancakes.
Okay okay...
A cuppa hot water with lemon in the late hours--not bad!! :-)
Good morning!
Are we having pancakes?
<-- can have pancakes made from xanthum gum
Yup....xanthum gum pancakes.
Xanthum gum...
Xanthum gum...LOL...
(I just like sayin' it!)
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