or: does a stitch in time save nine?
(*after supper and those all important homeworks**) (**helping with) (**not doing) (I don't do the homeworks, just offer guidance and assistance) (oh, you know what I mean)

(it was either accentuate the positive this afternoon or have me rattle on about how irritating some of the people in the etching class are, how I almost dread going now as some of the things they say spoil it for me and really I ought to be able to rise above that but it bothers me; how the damp patch in the top ceiling and the side walls is spreading, how I think I really should get that fixed before I can think about taking the children on holiday this summer; how The Teen unexplainably was in a good mood all day yesterday and then suddenly dipped at nine in the evening and I knew what he really wanted was a boy's kind of chat with his dad; how Smallest Person - we'll revert her back, for a line or two - is having the darndest time going to sleep at the moment; how Teen Too is so quiet it really bothers me, and puts the etching tribulations into perspective, but the other two are so demanding I don't think I'd cope if he did speak up; how I know I have many good things in my life - three healthy children and a roof over my head - but I'm so tired, so exhausted. . .) (thus I decided to go with the tapestry and take my mind off it - hey! I have the time to stitch, could be worse eh)
I've been out all day, just got in in time to wave to you.
hello Dave
Now I have Robin Trower songs going 'round in my head
Your cushions are fabulous...
you must have p a t i e n c e?
I enjoy hearing about the kidlets and how you try to guess what is going on..they are the ultimate project that will never EVER be finished. Oh sure at some point we think Ta-Da and off they go but you still think about how you should have said this or done that.
When they pop in you try to adjust that last bit and they squirm and you distract them and then try again by sneaking in from the side.
HA! It never ends but what are ya gonna do?
xx oo
Friday waves.
good morning Dave
ah Donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - I have fidgety fingers, so stitch while the children are watching the box
and yes, children, a never ending story. . .
shot the band used to do a version of Poison Ivy (I had a solo line!) and it's a long time since I've thought of A Whiter Shade of Pale. . . altho the other day I was thinking of Nights in White Satin. . .
Stupid Moof monster ate my comment.
That's okay--it was nearing midnight and I'm sure it made absolutely no sense.
Ha....no difference there whatsoever. *laughing*
<-- particularly likes the Klimt one
VERY pretty.
And kiddos.....do as kiddos will do. You're an observant mom.
they do, don't they. . . perhaps I worry too much. . .
the Klimt is a joy to stitch - little squares if you want to be regimented, curly bits for fun, gold stitching (which I save for the very end) and - best of all - plenty of opportunity to play with the pattern and interpret it one's own way. . .
I love needlework. I've never done a cushion....hmmm....
these are lovely...
teenagers become lovely later in life...laughing...
"perhaps I worry too much"
Now I can worry about her worrying too much? LOL
Silly me!
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