Turkish Delight. . .
(it's not obligatory, if it's not your thing -
the usuals are in the side bar)

listening to this. . .

. . .and it's all because I'm reading stories from The Arabian Nights to Smallest Person, her current Book At Bedtime, in a bid to send her into dreamland as comfortably as possible

Virginia Frances Sterrett, 1928

Dulac, 1907
Thinkin' I'll pass on the Turkish thingy and opt for popcorn, thanks.
But--I did enjoy the oasis thanksmuchly.
Popcorn and coffee....yup....thinkin' they go together just fine!
<-- read to the kiddos a LOT
<-- gladly takes blame for the girl's book passion
Turkish delight is a bit too sweet for me.
But I'd be delighted to be in Turkey reclining like the Virginia Frances Sterrett lady and listening to the evening call to prayer from the minaret.
me too KAZ - what a lovely thought (tho I might have to squeeze in a proper Turkish bath in one of those hamamamamamamam places while I'm there!)
Mel we read one of the lesser known stories. . . it was lovely! plenty of popcorn and coffee for you
I can usually do one little square of Turkish Delight (only the proper stuff) at Christmas. . . just a taster. . . it is a little sickly. . . perhaps I should have offered some bakclava?!
Does the man who delivers boxes of Milk Tray wear a balaclava?
. . .when I wrote "it's all because" I almost added a disclaimer (with a note for Mel to get The Brit to explain to her)
I'll sample the turkish delight.
...and I'll take Mel's too.
I've never had this 'Turkish Delight' that you speak of.
Okay......that's it!
<-- going to ask the Brit to translate!
Katherine's back!!! :-)
Mig's back!!
k......he LOVES Turkish Delight....'specially the pink/rose kind.
And he rather liked the pineapple kind so pffffft?
And NOW I know all about the chocolates left by the bedside by the dude with the face thingy on! ALL because the lady loves Milk Tray!
He wanted me to give you the bit of useless information that Balaclava is a place in the Crimea where the Charge of the Light Brigade took place. Part of which was the 13th Hussars--which was part of himself's old regiment. (13th/18th Hussars)
Now, HE says that's useless......I say that's charming.
Cuz his Regimental Day is called Balaclava Day.
AND the tank of the commanding officer of the regiment at D-Day was NAMED Balaclava.
Hows THAT?! :-)
umm...excuse me...
but exactly when IS Balaclava Day?
I think this is a holiday I should start celebrating.
(it is The Girl's absolute fave)
The Charge of the Light Brigade, which took place during the Battle of Balaclava was on 25th October 1854, so I would guess that may be Balaclava Day.
no no no
*shakes head*
baklava not balaclava
(shot if you like honey and nuts, you'd love it)(Mel the filo probably contains gluten, so you're excused - and Milk Tray aren't my top favourite chocolate, I'd offer you Black Magic instead)(and Dave I can see you as the Milk Tray man. . . sort of. . . kind of. . . in a nice way!)(katherine I don't think we need an excuse for baklava, really. . . do we?!)(Mel he's had pineapple Turkish Delight?!?!?!?)(and yes! mig is back *happy sigh* - but I bet she'll be off again soon. . . doing something lovely!)
Nevermind then.
<-- laughing laughing laughing!!!!!
DAVE started it!!!!!!
I know
. . .
now I'm going to have to do katherine's *rolling my eyes*
(so long as The Brit explained the Milk Tray ad thingy, that's all that matters!)(he likes his history, huh!!)
(now I'm humming Midnight at the Oasis again!)
I am the Milk Tray man. You wouldn't recognise me because of the balaclava.
I knew it
(but if you're ever over in my part of the world, I'd rather have a box of Black Magic, please!)
c'mon,it was almost midnight...and I was tired
and...we were talking about yummy sweet things...
AND you people over the pond (and you people married to people from over the pond) are always spelling words differently !
rolling my eyes
'always spelling words differently'
Correctly, I think you mean.
I'm staying well out of that one
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