pinch punch, first of the month

no returns. . .
.no returns


Vicus Scurra said...

Thank you for this important contribution to the debate about the future of mankind and civilisation.

I, Like The View said...

well I think it's important that I point out, every now and again, that time only goes forward. . .

. . .no matter where we've been

we cannot go back, can we

there are no returns

(and the Escher was just to add that I know I cannot go back, but I have no f*cking clue where I am or where I'm headed)

and, despite my personal obvious limitations and the situation they have brought me to, it is important that mankind realises realises that if we want a civilisation in the future, we'd better shape up a little huh

(might be tricky tho, in an age of dark forces at work and all that)(always a good test of an indivual, I think - as I am finding to my cost)(but what a learning opportunity, she adds, trying to look on the positive side)

j*sus, I'm rambling this morning

ah-ha!! it's cos I haven't had any coffee yet!!

love and hugs, dear sweet one, lots

Mel said...

ohmygosh....I woke up to November....

How'd THAT happen....

I, Like The View said...

my point exactly mel!

but - boy, oh boy - I bet you went to sleep thinking you were glad that yesterday was such fun. . .



katherine. said...

I canNOT even beLIEVE it is November...geez....

happy day..or night...or whenever it is....

Anonymous said...

Happy November to you all :)