and 48 others, that I understand are quite similar. . .
I'm looking forward to it - I love colour, I happen to love paint chips (you know, those little fold-outs that one gets with all the variations of colour available from a manufacturer), I'm not pretentious about the art that I like and have no qualms if something is unusual or a little different
I happen to love things that make people say "a child could have done that!": show me that child and I'll show you an artist. . .
here's more about my trip, if you're interested; if you are interested, there is a YouTube clip at the bottom which is well worth watching
Am interested and did watch.
Ohmygosh....It's beautiful enough on a plain white wall. I can't imagine it with the light coming through.
(please keep in mind I have NO clue what constitutes 'art'--'cept that which is refridgerator worthy, of course)
I'd like to tile my kitchen like that.
zigz I'd have a whole bathroom like that if only I could tile. . .
mel you and me both, honey, with the refridgerator dilemma
(at the house, the fridge is covered in Mini-Teen's art works from last year at primary school and her growing collection of "gold slip" commendations from this term at the new school, and a picture of Middle One's that was my xmas card last year, and The Teen's homework schedule. . .)(oh and a magnet of mine: Carnation Lily Lily Rose)
Bother!!! I had that streaming thing where you only get half a sentence at a time. I'll try again later.
Whenever I go to B&Q I always collect a pile of those colour cards for no good reason whatsoever.
I love them KAZ! (do B&Q stock Farrow and Ball? their colours are something else. . . arsenic being my favourite)
mig looking forward to having you back again soon! XX
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