our good friends at google inform us that today is the 174th anniversary of the birth of an Italian chap, Giovanni Schiaparelli, who was the first to draw pictures of the surface of Mars. . . due to a mistranslation of the Italian "canali", meaning "channels" but mistranslated as "canals", there eventually arose a debate about whether intelligent life existed on Mars. . .
. . .words have a lot to answer for, don't they?
sometimes we say or write things we don't really mean, by accident; sometimes people misconstrue the meaning of what we have said or written, because it's not clear or because they want to read something into it; sometimes there just are not the words to describe what it is we want to say; sometimes it's all too clear, but we don't write or say it anyhow because seeing it written or hearing it spoken makes it all too "real". . .
. . .sometimes what was real then is not what is real now - because things change, don't they. . .
. . .and some things just don't change - whatever was said
I think I need more coffee!
have a good day!
I still want to walk on the suface of Mars before I die.
But not Venus.
I say you PLAY instead.
Better than moving furniture, any day of the week!
AND you can make cool things!
k......well, maybe not if you're me. LOL But you can if you're YOU!
<-- gonna figure out a fairy picture at some point in time....maybe....after I move a table or somethin'.....maybe..
*looks at the table*
words are very important.
using the wrong word can be disastrous.
without my voice inflection...facial expressions...and various gestures...I have to be very careful. My way of speaking does NOT always translate well to this form of communication.
I find I use italic and bold and quotation marks and dots (lots of dots) to try and make what I write here clearer - have no idea if it works or not katherine., but I battle on!
in the past, even with my voice inflection and facial expression and various gestures, the words I spoke didn't translate well at all well into what I was trying to communicate - it's a life long goal, trying to be understood, huh
Mel playing sounds good! one of the things (projects) I have on my table included beads (sort of sea glass beads) which I intend to make into some necklaces which I hope very much will be cool. . .
. . .however, have been meaning to do those necklaces for a long time now, and the beads are still in their little paper bags from the bead shop. . .
. . .I'll get around to it!
Dave and as well as that desire, there are lots of other things on your bucket list still I note; mind you, you've got plenty of time (I haven't even assembled a bucket list - still working on getting thru the next hour/day!)
Good morning.
I haven't even managed a 'to do' list let alone a 'to do before I die' list.
Lists are very important. Where would we be without lists, eh?
Lost, that's where.
from list to lost, in one switch of a letter
Yaknow--I'm a fan of the written word. I rely on it to keep me grounded. I can say anything and screw it up in short order. The whole process of writing slows me down enough to organize some of that 'stuff' that's swirling around in my overactive brain.
Typing will do some of that for me--but I type faster than I write and sometimes my fingers start talking and they won't shut up. LOL I prefer a good pencil--or a pen of my choice (I'm picky about pens...I don't like those 'fine tip' ones, unless we're talking marker pens for writing--which I don't really like to write with in the first place). I like fountain pens--
Oh look....a chicken! *laughing*
What was I going on about anyway?
OH--that writing organizes my thinking?
OMGosh....I need coffee--black and lots of it!
I forget what I came here to say. Maybe I should make a list!
Serious now: this is a blog I come to for insightful things.
(But Dave's Mars/Venus wish is a little disturbing...is this a voice from the closet, Dave?)
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