the power of ten

you have ten minutes to describe what rocks your boat

I turn all the lights off and shine a torch thru a stream of water than I am pouring from a bottle into a wide glass dish

the bottle contains "mineral water" from a lake I once swam in in Norway. . .

the torch is a wind-up torch, based on the wind-up radio designed by a man I met in my early twenties. . .

I talk about kissing and gut-reaction, my nervousness at public speaking. . .

. . .it doesn't take ten minutes

. . .on the desk in front of me are the thoughts that took me on the journey that has taken me to my destination. . .

my internal process, if you will


Mel said...

<-- happily sitting at the end for selfish purposes

Rimshot said...

ahh, then it's off to the clue corner for me again, eh?

I, Like The View said...

mel it's not selfish, I'm sharing!

shot no, not at all

Mel said...

Yeah, yeah....but , I'M notsharing. LOL

<-- selfish little booger some moments!

If you're the lastest one, you get ALL the boxes to explore at your leisure.


Anonymous said...

Enjoying your sharing :) (Bags I sit next to Mel :)