
such a gorgeous word, wouldn't you say?
but, strangely, there is no trigue or extrigue. . .
only intrigue
no undertrigue, no outtrigue. . .
I looked it up. . .
"French: intricate affair, from Italian intrigo, from intrigare "to entangle", from Latin intricare; Date: 1609; 1 a: a secret scheme : machination b: the practice of engaging in intrigues; 2: a clandestine love affair"
strange how a word has a date! and isn't intricate beautiful too? and how wonderful to have a love affair (altho I'm not big into cladestine, I have to say). . .
the word makes me think of lithograph
"Lithography is a method for printing using a plate or stone with a completely smooth surface. Lithography uses oil or fat and gum arabic to divide the smooth surface into hydrophobic regions which accept the ink, and hydrophilic regions which reject it and thus become the background"
(and that reminds me of bookbinding and the images I printed)

"By contrast, in intaglio printing plate is engraved (engraving), etched (etching) or stippled (mezzotint) to make cavities to contain the printing ink; and in woodblock printing and letterpress ink is applied to the raised surfaces of letters or images."
ah! letterpress - remember the Adana. . .

raised surfaces, sunken surfaces, flat surfaces a veritable landscape from which to convey the thoughts and images in one's mind to that of another. . .
so, blogging must be a virtual surface? an invisible one that only exists in the miriads of electrical signals and a few miles of power cables between your screen and mine
since it's here, and we're hooked up, I'll show you a couple of images that fascinate me. . .
Vito Acconci:

Ernst Haeckel:
(and one day, when I find that annoying cable that goes from camera to computer - or would do, if only I knew where the hell it was - I'll show you some of my images)
have a great day, y'all
And you.'s all intriguing.
I rather like that word, yaknow.
Darn cable that's STILL A.W.O.L.....
*nodding* That'd work!
Provided that cable hasn't taken a hike on you as well......
Just sayin'....
what's intriguing me, dear mel, is why you are awake at what must be an unearhtly hour (a heavenly one, perhaps?) over on your side of the pond - I do hope you're feeling a little (a lot) better today dearheart
dave thank you
ooooow! you're there!!
well, the trouble with the phone cable is that I have so many images on my phone. . . actually - I think I might know where it is, and have nothing on my agenda today, so perhaps I should indulge myself with downloading them all and going thru them and sharing some?!
(more coffee first tho, I think)
good morning, vicus
(he won't comment - there are no body parts in this morning's piece)'s now reached 4a.m. and it's very dark.
About AS dark as it was at 3a.m....
Can you say 'all messed up'?
ALL messed up!
But there's coffee and good company--so it's all good.....even in its messed-uppedness.
*choking on coffee*
Well, the coral reefy stuff sorta kinda could appear to be erotica if you squint a bit.
Maybe he'll squint and leave a comment?
OMG.....I don't believe I'm sayin' that......I'm blaming the hour....
wish I was your end, then I could possibly top my cup up from your jug? run out of beans here, and only had one cup so far (still in my jammies, can't really pop over to the cafe in them!)
but yes, the company is EXCELLENT
I do hope you are alright. . . hope that the dawn will soon break the long night for you. . .
(he rarely comments, altho he does pop over to read on a regular basis. . .)
and there is something very sexual about an anemone in a rock pool, I always thought, when it's fronds are all tucked up and it just looks like a squidgy lump of jelly
when I was little I used to poke the ones that were out of the pools, and they'd let off this stream of water and it would squirt up all over the place
but now I'm a little older, I figure it's not nice to have someone poke you - and no wonder you try and squirt them!
I really do have to go out and get either a coffee or some more beans - or, even better, BOTH!!
see you later sweetheart of mine
k.....what WAS intriguing me now will need to be scrolled down cuz I'm seeing body parts where there are none.
And that's with a good cuppa coffee!
I'll blame vicus.
And NO BEANS?!?!
I'm thinkin' that's one of those 12 deadly sins.
And who says one cannot go to the cafe in jammies?!
I mean, as long as they're cute jammies--
Good girl!!
Yaknow--if some is good.....
*hugs and happy thoughts!*
all is well in the world
got coffee. . .
got beans. . .
got a newspaper. .
got some fags. . .
got dressed (first!). . .
got the key to the apartment stuck in the lock and couldn't get back in. . .
*shaking head*
(I'm not good with keys and locks and opening doors)
and now I bet you've gone. . .
but you'll be back!
What fun I just had eavesdropping on your middle of the night/almost dawn of day conversation.
Mmm..warm and cozy.
Happy Saturday!
You are correct. I won't comment. Not so much as a thigh.
LOL @ vicus!!!
Oh my....
Methinks you're correct. You and keys have this conflict goin' on.
And cable cords, too. LOL
((((((((( ILTV ))))))))))))
Happy ending for today and beginning for tomorrow to me and you!
Sleep with angels, ma'am.
melI hope yours was
I did, thank you dearheart
(think I should go off and find some thighs for him?)
vicus sorry to disappoint so. . . I'll try harder next time
g hope you had a good one - happy sunday! XXX
the post was very interesting...but the comment thread was far more intriguing.....
katherine conversations are always more interesting than a monologue (as are the questions after a lecture, oftentimes)
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