when I was a child, I used to eagerly await the day when Vision On was shown. . .
my parents weren't the sort to encourage televisual participation - my brothers and I were only allowed to watch certain things that were deemed "suitable". . . (they didn't even tell us about "the other channel" for years, as they were concerned about the effects the adverts would have on our young minds) - so I was never allowed to send in a picture for the gallery. . . but I did in my dreams!
oh, how I dreampt of one of my pictures being chosen by Tony Hart - it's not that I wanted to see it on screen, just for Tony Hart to have seen my attempts at art
(come to think about it, I always wanted a Blue Peter badge too: only my mother didn't approve of sticky backed plastic or Peter Purves or Lesley Judd - she liked Valerie Singleton who was very sensible and wore sensible shoes and she just about tolerated John Noakes - so I wasn't ever allowed to write in or even make anything they labouriously showed how to construct. . . "and here's one I made earlier" never featured in my childhood apart from seeing it on the box. . . I sneaked a go at John's Cheese Flaps once, a kind of fried cheese potato cake, but my mother told me off because they were too cheesey) (I digress)
so when I heard of Tony Hart's death a while back now, I was very sad. . . when Oliver Postgate died I was equally sad, but receiving a Knit a Clanger tag on FaceBook made me smile. . .

. . .but noone tagged me about the event at Tate Modern today - I'd have had a far more interesting Sunday if I'd known about it!
better late than never. . .
. . .this is what I have found to share with you: click on the link on the right "Morph 'flashmob' at Tate gallery" to see it in its glory and hear the tune that I hummed all those years ago as I went to sleep. . .
they kind of remind me of Antony Gormley's miriads of tiny terracotta people. . .

Just dropped in to say goodnight but had to look at the link. What a lovely tribute to a lovely man.
Back tomorrow, hope you got to sleep in the end and that the teen returned - all 6'3" of him :) and not too late.
Wow....I'll ask him tomorrow, for sure. Mostly cuz it's late and I've been buried under 'end of the month stuff' for work and my brain is mush.
And I mean MUSH.......
I did like the little clay guys.
I have plasticine--is there flour in plasticine?!
(((((((((((( ILTV )))))))))))))
Happy Happy Monday!!!!
happy (erm, *scratches head*) Tuesday Mel!
don't know if there's flour in plasticine - is there flour in fymo?
mig he came home by half one (apparently he missed the last train) and was up to go to school at half seven the next morning. . . (actually, I had to take his duvet away and tickle his feet)
(I went back to bed at eight once they'd all gone to school)
I'm glad the boy got back safe. (I remember enraging mine by refusing to drive to Reading at 1 in the morning when he missed a train and making him pay £40 for a taxi, only I had to pay for the taxi when he arrived because he didn't have enough. He was around 20 at the time tho :)
And I'm very glad you got to go back to bed :)
I think plasticine is mostly made of clay and linseed oil. With colourings I suppose?
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