did you know. . .

until they are fifty years of age or older. . .

can reach 120 feet (36.6 meters) in length. . .

every day for 36,500 days,
you'll live to be 100 years old. . . .
and then I started thinking about keyboards and keys
(the QWERTY type of key). . .

no, no, no, not the end of the blog
just a really weird keyboard!
I'd like a stone keyboard.
I love all of this scientificky trivia.
I want a keyboard that works via telepathy so that I'll have more time to eat chocolate.
You would need a few extra days to guarantee the century - about 25, because of leap years.
This, of course, assumes that you meant I was starting from scratch, ie new born. If however I was to start now, then yes, I would pass the 100 year mark. And it is likely that most of your readers are more than 25 days old, despite the quality of their comments.
So, please send the chocolate, and I will begin the task of proving you correct.
Vegan and organic, preferably. Those nice people at Green and Black can oblige.
you wish, Vicus, as ever, is my command
Donn strangely I quite enjoy typing. . .
. . .probably more than eating chocolate
Dave as long as they are not from your kidneys, eh
fun things with keys.
rumor has it Apple is coming out with a laptop which has a touch screen (like the iphone and ipod)
keyboards may be old fashion before we know it....
"...despite the quality of their comments......"
(I'm relatively convinced he's sore about the bubble gun.
I could be wrong.....)
But I'm NOT wrong about thinking that jellyfish can stay far far away from any beach I'm gonna be walkin' on!
Holy moly....
Go figure I rather enjoy typing, myself! :-)
'Specially the 'N' apparently. It's near gone from the keyboard keys......
he's such a tease, eh, Mel, that Vicus. . . all bark and no bite (apart from perhaps the chocolate)
jelly fish always give me the heebeejeebies *shudder*
katherine but there's someting so satisfying about keyboard typing. . . touch screens just aren't the same (not that I'm very familiar with them, I have to say) but I do like the way that keys on a keyboard go up and down with your fingers
a little like playing the piano, but without the bum notes!
I want to know what happens to your life expectancy if you eat a keyboard every day?
(I think I'd prefer keyboards. I like to know when I've touched something.)
Bother bother bother I've done it again!
<-- laughing at Mig
Oh bother, bother, bother!
<-- shall endeavour to say 'oh, bother' at least once tonight
<-- laughing
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