our snow day!

I'm not in The Village

I am where I am - and we have snow - and this is what it's like. . .


I'm going to send a small person out to collect these for me
(they are next to one of the flat rooves)
so I can make something with them

snowflakes on one of the tin flowers in the courtyard. . .

snowflakes on one of the tin butterflies in the courtyard. . .

Mini-Teen's snow angel on the roof terrace. . .

Teen Too's snowman in the front. . .
(and yes, he's drinking a cuppa javva!)
. . .The Teen is too grown-up to play in the snow


Rimshot said...

YAY! Cable-connected!

I'm telling, you called her 'small person' ;-P

I, Like The View said...

oh no I didn't. . .


I said I was going to send a small person out. . .

which, erm, *coughs*, does actually does leave only her, since Teen Too is now five ten and half (my height) - what I meant was more along the lines of the notion of wanting to play with the icicles but not wanting to get cold and wet by climbing out onto the roof in person

it's not as if I send them up chimneys for a living, is it. . .

and yes - I am now fully connected (well, camera to computer; still having problems with the internet connection)

which means you'll soon be invited up to see my etchings


Rimshot said...


Mel said...

I'm so excited! The snowmans gets his own cuppa java. :-) WITH polka dots!

(Lovely snow on the tin flower photo, btw.)

AND you gotta snow angel.....

It's a GREAT thing, this snow. No matter how often it snows in England--this one is a great snow!

*doing happy dance*

You're connected--woohooooo!!!!

I, Like The View said...

it is indeed a winter wonderland Mel

and yes, connected at last (all good things come to those who are patient enough to wait!)

and we've now collected the icicles for more play. . . and it's STILL SNOWING!!!!!

of course, when the water goes or the electricity stops working (it's only a matter of time, this is England after all) I'm not sure if I'll be feeling so chipper


katherine. said...

ta da!
cable connected !!

I love the snow flakes on the flower!

and the angel on the deck...lovely

coffee for the visitor...niiiice.

(I wonder if one could make sand angels?)

I, Like The View said...

I've made sand angels, but they only worked on the part of the beach where the wet sand was only a couple of inches below the soft, dry sand

but they do work!
