I spy with my little eye

something beginning with*. . .

(*hmm, I can't think of a letter! obviously need some coffee)


Rimshot said...

is there a number in the Ishihara color test? What number is it?

Dave said...

6. Which sounds very much like something else.

I, Like The View said...


Dave said...

That's right.

I, Like The View said...


(glad I got that correct)

Rimshot said...

Perhaps he meant "styx"?

Ishihara, another of life's test that I utterly fail.

Rimshot said...

oh, may I suggest a letter?

katherine. said...

that would be the letter...

" I "

Rimshot said...

yeah, what Katherine said.

I, Like The View said...

thanks guys. . . altho it wasn't a cheering myself up post, more of a "is my blog working again" thang. . .

what's really weird is that for the last few days when there have been things that have made me smile, I keep thinking about which letter of the alphabet they are (altho, I haven't been making a note of them, so now they are all forgotten - d'oh)

Mel said...

It's working!! It's working!!!

*happy sigh*

Do ya know how 'off' I felt in the last 24 hours?!

OMgosh--you wouldn't believe how 'off' I felt!


It's working!! It's WORKING!!!

Mel said...

<-- likes the 'eye of the storm' muchly, thanks.


I, Like The View said...

(-: it's weird when these little things get in the way of our day, eh


glad it's all up and running again. . .

very glad

I'm not sure I'm comfy with weird